What Every Woman Should Know When It Comes To The Pelvic Health in Charlotte North Carolina And Menopause
As a woman, you should not feel intimidated when you’re suffering from any pelvic disorder, and it is wise that you seek treatment especially when you are in menopause. The menopause can cause different changes to the body of a woman and some of the pelvic disorders can begin in the late forties to the early 50s. The following the facts about the menopause and its relation to the pelvic disorders.
The Changes That Menopause Causes
Most of the symptoms that touch on the pelvic floor during the late ages are as a result of the menopause. You will experience the menopause symptoms due to the lack of enough progesterone and estrogen in the ovaries. Symptoms includes the vaginal dryness, pain while having sex, hot flashes, muscle and joint aches and mood swings.
How to Recognize the Hot Flashes
Most women will undergo the hot flashes when they attain the menopause period. To know that you are undergoing the hot flashes, your top half of the body will feel hot, and you will experience redness in the skin. The process happens several times in the day and you will feel dizziness, sweating and you may also have a cold feeling. The hot flashes can be prevented in several ways such as not consuming alcohol, caffeine, not eating food with a lot of spices, avoiding the stress, and not being in a hot area.
How Menopause Can Affect Your Bones
With the decline of the estrogen production, there will be less amount of calcium in your bones. When enough calcium is not produced, the bone will have low calcium, and that may increase the risk to hip, spine and other types of bone injury. You can stay healthy by consuming foods with vitamin D, taking the calcium-rich foods, reducing the alcohol intake, avoiding smoking, and continuously participating in exercises.
Relationship of Menopause and Weight Gain
Although aging is one of the major reasons for the weight gain, the changes in hormone levels during menopause can also contribute. The best way to manage weight is to have a balanced diet, consider regular exercise and maintain healthy eating habits. You can maintain your health by knowing the right food to eat, and that will ensure that you are not a high risk to diabetes, heart disorders and any other conditions associated with menopause.
How to Manage Menopause
Menopause symptoms are different from every woman even if they’re in the same family and therefore you have to come with the customized therapy for your condition. The only way to manage the symptoms that are associated with menopause is to have a doctor who understands your conditions and to develop the best therapies that will work for you.