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Searching is the easiest way to seek out your notes, though the app lacks optical character recognition like Evernote, ?which means it cannot read textual content in images. Notes appear the second they’ve matches in opposition to the search term, and drop out as quickly as they are not relevant. Oddly, there is no such thing as a icon in the app for Google’s voice search. JakeD will likely be right here recent and early tomorrow with Zouk. Fighting another day on the FIX. They might have moved on to the subsequent post already.
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Canalys mentioned on Wednesday that smart speakers are the fastest rising shopper tech segment and that Google Home beat the Amazon Echo in shipments for the primary time ever within the first quarter of 2018. Canalys mentioned Google shipped 3.2 million Google Home items to Amazon’s 2.5 million Echo shipments. In reality, individuals hate commuting a lot, a examine by the University of West of England found that a 20-minute improve in travelling time was perceived to be as bad for job satisfaction as a 19 per cent pay reduce.
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